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Educational development of such as backward class area by which local concerns people can take part to buildup our nation. No one can feel inferior today local people also spend their life in main stream.

Once the people of the area mostly economical backward.  But no one can feel that there is taking so much more fee by the institution. In very less fees a candidate can be educate. There should not fraction among higher and lower class and no fraction between male & female. There is not being any type of fraction among Girls and Boys - students, teacher, staff as well as guardian & local people all are very friendly from the beginning.

                  Now the produced students are build-up their carrier very easily. The backward family and all are developing gradually. The Produced candidate takes important part to build-up nation. It is the vision of the institution. In very less fees a student can educate from this institution.

Mission & Goals

Goal of College:-

  1. Educational development of the area as well as economical & agricultural  development of the area should be grow.
  2. To maintained peace of the Local area.
  3. To maintained Geo diversity, development and protection of Forest area and wild-life also.
  4. To produced much-more Oxygen from forest area.
  5. To understand the value of wild life, value of forest and value of underground minerals also.
  6. All the area should be educate No one can spend their life with out education. But yet how the local people become the victim of their tradition wine like Handiya and local made wine (Mahully). That’s why yet how maximum local people are living in dark. In the modern age also some local people believe Bhut-peret, Dine and Ojha. The Institution always tried to guide and develop their life.